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Published 2023-02-04

Customer Support Specialist

Type of job: Remote
Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Company: V7

Description of the offer

Salary range: £25,000-£45,000

V7 is on a mission to automate humanity’s most important visual tasks, with an AI data platform recognised by Dealroom as the most promising breakout company of 2022. We have recently raised $33 million in Series A funding and are backed by AI heavyweights, including the creators of Keras, Elixir and leaders at DeepMind, OpenAI and Wayve. We sharpen the cutting edge of the world’s most innovative AI teams on a mission to disrupt their respective industries, from AI-native startups to large global enterprises. What sets us apart is our team’s obsession with pushing our product to where AI will be three years from today. You can see a 90-second summary of our product here.

As a Customer Support Specialist, you will be responsible for managing V7’s customer communication through email, chat and calls, responding to support queries from customers and leads. You will support metrics to the customer success team and collaborate with other teams to ensure customer needs are met. Reporting customer requests, bugs and additional information to engineering is also a key part of the role.


  • Reporting customer requests, bugs, and additional information to engineering teams.
  • Responding to customer inbound communication
  • Troubleshooting customer’s issues
  • Managing and resolving customer inquiries and escalating issues as necessary
  • Monitoring and responding to customer feedback
  • Keeping up-to-date with product changes


  • Experience working in customer facing support role is mandatory
  • Logical, problem-solving thinking, ability to work unassisted, without a script
  • Fluent in English is mandatory, with excellent soft-skills
  • Experience in a high/hyper-growth environment preferred, with a proactive attitude
  • Flexibility – this role may require shifts outside of the typical 9-5
  • Experience with issue tracking systems and CRM software is a bonus
  • A curious, scientific mind


  • Stock options
  • Unlimited vacation, just tell us when you need time off
  • 7-day company retreats in stunning locations.
  • New Apple hardware
  • Paid tickets, accommodation, and travel to relevant conferences, nationally or internationally (NeurIPS, ICCV, CVPR, …) to expand your network & knowledge during normal times

How to apply?

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