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full-stack developers, Shopify developer

full-stack developers, Shopify developer

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Available Freelance
Name: Baldev Sharma
Skills: Developing
Country: India

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About Baldev Sharma

✅Using the most recent technologies, like Magento, Shopify Plus, WordPress, MEAN, MERN, React, Node.js, PHP, CodeIgniter, Angular, and Laravel, I have more than 7 years of experience developing websites and mobile applications.

✅My services to my customers are wholly satisfactory.

✅I am the owner of Ascure Technologies, a company in Jaipur. Professional graphic designers, DevOps engineers, front-end and back-end programmers, full-stack developers, and internal digital marketers make up our team.

✅We recognize how important it is for our staff to have strong communication skills. Because every project is important to me, I can guarantee that we will follow a secure method and provide outcomes of the highest caliber.

✅I use Trello, Jira, Slack, Teams, Skype, and Zoom to connect with clients.

✅Get in touch with us if we are the right match for your needs and begin a glorious journey together.

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